Each group will be assigned a number and you must then research information (not simply definition!) and be able to summarize the main ideas. Each group must then 1) post a comment under this posting that summarizes your infmormation and 2) present your information to the class. The following website may help get you started.
1)Bird flu...are humans at risk?
2)Virus used to cure cancer?
3)Human papillomavirus(HPV), should teenagers be vaccinated?
4)Smallpox, will it ever be back?
5)Streptococcus causes strep throat...and more?
6)Is Salmonella in all raw chicken...and so what if it is?
7) How exactly does an antihistamine (like Benedryl) work?
8) How does Cancer form and why can't your body fix it?
9) Does vitamin C really prevent you from getting sick?
10)Stem cells role in the immune system/white blood cells
11)Other (as approved by instructor)
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Approximately 20 million people are currently infected with HPV. At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. By age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection. About 6.2 million Americans get a new genital HPV infection each year.
The Bird Flu-
The bird flu is also known as the Avian influenza A Virus. It is common among birds. In Hong Kong, an outbreak of 6 people forced the territory to slaughter all the poultry. It usually doesn't effect human's but some rare cases have occured. (more than 330 reported cases)These human cases have been believed to be caused by direct contact with sick or dead infected poultry. Concerns of widespread outbreaks of this virus have caused authorities to closely monitor outbreaks of this illness.
Some symptoms are eye infections, influenza related symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat)and severe respiratory illnesses like pneumonia. Olsetimivir is a prescription antiviral medication that is used for treatment of this virus. To prevent this virus, good hand hygeine and vaccinations are recommended.
links: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/avian/gen-info/avian-flu-humans.htm
by: Karen and Meghan
Papillomaviruses are a diverse group of DNA-based viruses that infect the skin and mucous membranes of humans and a variety of animals. Over 100 different human papillomavirus (HPV) types have been identified. Some HPV types may cause warts while others may cause a subclinical infection resulting in precancerous lesions. All HPVs are transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. A group of about 30-40 HPVs is typically transmitted through sexual contact and infect the anogenital region. Some sexually transmitted HPVs -- types 6, 11, may cause genital warts. However, other HPV types which may infect the genitals do not cause any noticeable signs of infection
Most women are diagnosed with HPV on the basis of abnormal Pap tests. A Pap test is the primary cancer-screening tool for cervical cancer or pre-cancerous changes in the cervix, many of which are related to HPV. Also, a specific test is available to detect HPV DNA in women. The test may be used in women with mild Pap test abnormalities, or in women >30 years of age at the time of Pap testing. The results of HPV DNA testing can help health care providers decide if further tests or treatment are necessary.Approximately 20 million people are currently infected with HPV. At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. By age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection. About 6.2 million Americans get a new genital HPV infection each year.There is no "cure" for HPV infection, although in most women the infection goes away on its own. The treatments provided are directed to the changes in the skin or mucous membrane caused by HPV infection, such as warts and pre-cancerous changes in the cervix.In women, genital warts occur on the outside and inside of the vagina, on the opening to the uterus (cervix), or around the anus.In men, genital warts are less common. If present, they usually are seen on the tip of the penis. They also may be found on the shaft of the penis, on the scrotum, or around the anus. Rarely, genital warts also can develop in your mouth or throat if you have oral sex with an infected person.Like many STIs, genital HPV infections often do not have signs and symptoms that you can see or feel. One study sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) reported that almost half of women infected with HPV had no obvious symptoms.If you are infected but have no symptoms, you can still spread HPV to your sexual partner and/or develop complications from the virus.
Stomach Cancer
Stomach Cancer is 10 times more common in Japan and more commonly found in men and in African-Americans. It is usually diagnosed in patients of 60 years.
The cause is unknown, but patients with Blood type A and patients with a history of pernicious anemia are at a higher risk of getting stomach cancer.
Symptoms are not recognized in early stages, but some symptoms are like abdominal pains,weight loss, nausea, vomitting, vomitting blood, and anemia.
After diagnosis treatments like surgery, chemotheropy, and radiation on the stomach can be done. Also if left untreated the cancer could spread to the liver, lymph glands in the stomach, lungs, and almost anywhere else in the body.
connor chyro and steve
smallpox can be back because it occurs when there is a major virus that is going around and it kills a lot of people in a short time. so if our world gets a bad disease that is contageous and is a killer disease because we cant get a cure then smallpox will be back. and because of the lack of health in the world, A BAD DISEASE WILL HAPPEN.
Brain CancerAlso called: Glioma, Meningioma
There are two main types of brain cancer. Primary brain cancer starts in the brain. Metastatic brain cancer starts somewhere else in the body and moves to the brain. Brain tumors can be benign, with no cancer cells, or malignant, with cancer cells that grow quickly.
By Christopher Florio
Brain tumors can cause many symptoms. Some of the most common are
Headaches, usually worse in the morning
Nausea and vomiting
Changes in your ability to talk, hear or see
Problems with balance or walking
Problems with thinking or memory
Muscle jerking or twitching
Numbness or tingling in arms or legs
9.) vitamin c increases anitbodies which is one of the ways the body protects against foreign invaders. Also it increases phagocytosis which eats up the bad things like a pacman like process. Last it increases chemotaxis which speeds up the white blood cells traveling to an infection. Vitamin a is also very critical for the performance of the immune system. A decline in zinc intake can result in immune system problems. Essential fats actually increase resistance of infetion. Essential fats are found in omega-3 fats and omega-6 fats. garlic is a very immportant food. It neutralizes dozens of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Exercise can help reduce fat around the waist. Also can lower total cholesterol and LDL (the bad cholesterol)
raise HDL (the good cholesterol). last it can control blood sugar and strengthen bones.
Salmonella normally cause typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and foodborne illness. They are found in the intestines and form moist colonies about 2-3 mm in diameter. They normally infect the stool. Giving poultry and beef antibiotics might cause a strain of salmonella that will be resistant to antibiotics. Salmonella can be associated with handling pet rodants sold by pet shops. Typhi is the most fatal and will cause nausea, fever, vomiting, and death. Typhimurium's causes are diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and nausea, and generally lasts up to 7 days. Enteritidis is spread throughout chickens and can spread very rapidly, it is also the common type of food poisoning.
Scientists are now using a new type of way to cure cancer on lab animals. It is the adenovirus, created from the common cold. It targets cancerous cells not normal cells. That is because the p35 protein on a normal cell is strong and the virus cannont get past it. But on a cancerous cell it is defective and can get past it. Which then it reproduces its self and destroys the cancer cells. But, not yet is this method fully effective and that is because most humans have antibodies for the common cold which may cause them to get triggered and thus killing the adenovirus. But, so ar it has been effective on 60% of lab animals. Will this treatment work? Only time will tell.
Click Here For Source
Causes: it when the sun (UV rays) cause cells to be mutated
Treatment: may get it sugically removed or with medicine
What it is:
Link to Wiki
E. Coli
E. coli normally lives inside your intestines, where it helps your body break down and digest the food you eat. E. coli is a common type of bacteria that can get into food, like beef and vegetables. Beef can contain E. coli because the bacteria often infect cattle. E. coli can be passed from person to person, but serious E. coli infection is more often linked to food containing the bacteria. E. coli can get from the intestines into the blood and can cause a very serious infection.The person eats the contaminated food and gets sick. E. coli poisoning can cause life-threatening kidney problems.
If bad stomach cramps and belly pain, vomiting, nausea, & diarrhea, sometimes with blood in it occur, see a doctor. The doctor will run blood tests and take sample of person’s stool . Reasons this may occur may be caused by
fruit juice that isn't pasteurized vegetables grown in cow manure or washed in contaminated water Uncooked meat that has sat out for a long period of time
Lung Cancer--
Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world to men. over 1.3 million people die of lung cancer every year. mostly the people who have it either smoke or are pron to a lot of second hand smoke. the smoke gets into the lungs and kills the tissue in there making the tissure rapidly grow. you can loose a lot of weight have shorter breath or cough up blood a lot or just cough a lot. there is reall no way to get rid of cancer you can help prevent it by getting chemo or radiation. people have been starting to use viruses to help cure cancer but the dna for it is unrecocnizable for the white blood cells
The Bird Flu-
The Bird Flu, also known as Avian Influenza A or H5N1, is very common among birds. Though human cases are rare, yet it can effect humans. The World Health Organization covers all cases dealing with the Bird Flu. Common cases go back to 1996. Starting iun the UK. Humans normaly can get this highly pathogenic(meaning lots of patogens) virus by coming in direct contact with sick or dead infected poultry.
Symptoms include but are not restricted to eye infections, fever, cough, sore throat and pneumonia.
Olsetimivir is a antiviral medication to teart this virus. This is only gotten through your doctor. Good hygeine and vaccinations are great to prevent this.
topic 8 - lung cancer
caused by uncontrolled cell growth in the lungs. Lung cancer is the #1 most common disease that kills men. A major cause for lung cancer is smoking. lung cancer is responsible for more than 1.3 million deaths a year. can be treated by surgrey in some cases, or chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.
stem cells can be used to cure many diseaeses there are two types of stem cells they bare embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells they are cells that do nnot yet have a function and can be converted into anything
Salmonella is a general name for a group of about 2000 bacteria that cause illness by reproducing in the digestive tract. When animals eat something with the salmonella bacteria and a person eats the food.Some symptoms of salmonella are headache, muscle aches, diarrhea, vomiting, rumblings in the bowels, chills, fever, nausea and dehydration.Most cases of salmonellosis are not treated with antibiotics.Fluids are recommended to prevent dehydration because the diarrhea that flushes bacteria out of the body drains a great deal of liquid.
Smallpox is a serious, contagious, and sometimes fatal infectious disease.There is no specific treatment for smallpox disease, and the only prevention is vaccination.
Exercise can help the immune system a lot. Studies say that 20 to 30 minutes of walking a day would protect and enhance the immune system. The amount of exercise helps build cells that help the immune system by fighting against bacteria.
HPV---Yes you should be vaccinated by a series of three shots is given before a girl becomes sexually active. Some strains of HPV that are spread through sexual contact are known to cause cervical cancer. HPV is extremely common, affecting more than half of sexually active people at some point in their lives
Allergies and the Immune System--
Allergies are disorders of the immune system. The immune system ends up responding to a false alarm, and then you start to get sick. The antibodies almost attack the allergen and it can sometimes become very bad, and you could get a runny nose or even start wheezing.
Salmonella is a Gram-negative bacterium.Salmonella poisinoning are causes of foodborne illness, especially from poultry and raw eggs and more generally from food that has been cooked or frozen and not eaten straight away.The prevention of Salmonella as a food illness involves effective sanitizing of food contact surfaces. Alcohol has proven to be an effective topical sanitizer against Salmonella.The a symptoms of Salmonella can include the sudden onset of nausea, abdominal cramping, and bloody diarrhea.The onset of symptoms usually occurs within 6 to 72 hours after the ingestion of the bacteria.There is no real cure for a Salmonella infection,except treatment of the symptoms. For most strains of Salmonella, the fatality rate is less than one percent.
streptococcus is a virus that forms in chains and takes over the cell, it needs to feast on blood to live, scientists believe that eventualy no anti-biotics will work on streptococcus in the next 10-20 years!
thank you for the information, interesting post. I hope this content can be benefits for anyone. cara mengobati lambung bengkak
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